August Recap

Hello hello! Happy September! College football is back (Go Tigers!), pumpkin spice everything is back (yes I’m basic and I’m fine with that), the mornings are starting to get a tiny bit cooler (I mean I don’t start sweating as soon as I open the door in the mornings #win) and I am stoked. August was full of all kinds of artsy stuff in various mediums so lets recap.

I’ve been taking a local ceramics class for nearly a year now and I’m now starting to get more comfortable with my skills especially my glazing skills. I was just so excited with how these 2 pieces turned out I had to show them off. Far from perfect but so fun to make and to use my painting ideas in a new way.

My cute dark blue glazed ceramic bud vases

I entered a couple of Spoonflower design challenges in August and I purchased a few more samples so several new patterns will be available in the shop soon!

Also this month a met up with a new artist friend for a sketchbook session. It was so nice to sit and chat outside and just let my mind and pencil do its thing. I for sure need more of this in my day to day life! It was also the first time I’d sketched on toned paper, it was such a nice change to my normal white sketchbooks.

Toned sketchbook page with random doodles

And lastly I feel like I finally got my knitting mojo back. For those that don’t know I was an avid knitting before and during the pandemic lockdown but after my kiddo was born I kinda lost my knitting steam. I made a few things here and there but really not much. But now I want to knit allthethings. I’ve finally finished weaving in ends for my cardigan (6 months after I finished it but whatever), finished a pair of socks that have been half done for ages, started a new hat, and sorted and caked up my yarn for a few other projects. Bring on the sweater weather!

So that’s what I was up to in August. September will be wrapping up a couple of projects I’ve had in mind for awhile and prepping for a daily art challenge in October. I’m not 100% sure which prompt list I will be following yet but I will definitely be sharing and posting about it all. As always thank you for stopping by and for your support! If you want a bit more behind the scenes please sign up for my email list below!


September Recap


Secret Project Reveal