More Process Experiments

Hello again! I’m back for a mid month update. I spent a few days brainstorming and getting over blank page syndrome for this process experiment. Its based on a reference photo that my husband took quite awhile ago now but the colors were just so amazing. I took several artistic liberties with my interpretation of the reference but I think I like the composition for the most part. There are a few areas that I would do differently if I were to do it again (which I just might because seriously the colors were *chefs kiss*). I decided to try 3 versions, watercolor only, watercolor and colored pencil, and watercolor and ink. I really think I like the watercolor and ink version the best. Something about the loose ink lines providing enough definition and detail but still being very, well, loose.

In other creative news, remember that modern flower tile pattern from a few weeks ago? Well I started playing with it in Adobe Illustrator for iPad. Holy cannoli, its wild how far technology has come. I feel like this could really streamline my digital process in the future specifically for my repeat patterns.

That’s all for this update but I will be back in a few weeks for a full month recap and a look forward to next month. Thank you so much for visiting and reading!


June Recap


May Recap