Hello hello!

Hello hello! Welcome to my art blog! I am so happy you are here and I am so excited to share my art with you. I am hoping to share about twice a month about my process, what I am learning and practicing and of course some finished art! As an intro to me here are a few fun facts.

2019 CFP National Championship game!!

  1. I have lived in 6 states (TX, NC, FL, SC, GA, CA) and have driven across the country twice (GA to CA and back)

  2. I graduated college with a degree in Civil Engineering from Clemson University. Go tigers!

  3. My husband and I are currently building our first home!

  4. I love to knit, I taught myself by watching YouTube videos several years ago and haven’t stopped since

  5. On that note I am totally into all things crafty and I have a horrible habit of seeing things online and saying “I can totally make that”

  6. I am a self taught artist though I did take one drawing class my senior year in high school

  7. Pizza, coffee, chocolate are my 3 favorite foods. Basic.

  8. I would LOVE to get an antique letterpress machine

  9. Walking outside is my preferred method of exercise although the occasional strength training or yoga session is also quite enjoyable

  10. Watercolor is the medium I am most comfortable with but I am working on getting in a groove with acrylic

And bonus: I am a big fan of texting gifs to all my friends and family :)

Now that you know some random things about me here is what I have been working on so far this year!

Its been a slow start to the year because of multiple rounds of sickness running through our house but I have been able to sketch in my sketchbook off and on. One of the things I’m trying to improve is my ability to sketch quickly so I decided to practice sketching flowers in 10 minutes or less. I found a list of 60 flower types and I use a random number generator to tell me which of the 60 to sketch, then I set a timer and away I go. Some turn out great, others not so much but getting pencil to paper and slowing gaining confidence in my marks is the goal here. There have been a few other random sketches here and there but the flowers have been a good common thread in my sketchbook and something to turn to when I don’t have the energy to come up with something to draw.

I think that is it for today! Again thank you so much for being here and if you made it to the end of this surprisingly long blog post you are amazing. Keep an eye out for another post in a few weeks and I will see you then!


February Recap